Everything you need to know about fetal monitoring in labour!
Accurate, up to date and easy to understand information to support your decision making
Think you don't have a choice about what type of fetal heart rate monitoring will be used in your labour?
Learn everything you need to know about your options from a world expert.
Your birth is important and you want to get it right
The secret to a great birth is making great decisions. Where you will give birth, who your care provider will be, and what care you want are all big decisions. Imagine what it would feel like to have complete confidence you had made great decisions.
One of the big decisions is about what you will do to make sure your baby's welfare is a priority during labour. The common options are CTG monitoring (also known as electronic fetal monitoring or EFM) or intermittent auscultation. How do you decide which one is best?
Great decisions need great information
Each approach to fetal monitoring used in labour has benefits and potential downsides. You can be confident you have made the right decision when you know:
- You have choices
- What the options are
- The benefits and downsides of each option
- How to communicate your decision clearly
Where do you go for great information?
Learn the information you need to make great decisions:
- Understand the range of approaches used during labour to monitoring fetal wellbeing.
- Learn whether you can trust the research.
- Compare whether intermittent auscultation or CTG monitoring is the best option for you.
- Weigh up the impact of risk factors on your decision making.
- Learn an effective approach to making great decisions.
- Learn how to communicate your decisions with your healthcare team
All this in the one place!
Fetal Monitoring: The Basics provides you with all the great information you need to make great decisions with confidence.

Yes you can
- Learn online from the comfort of your own home
- Learn when it suits you to learn
- Watch individual lessons over again to build your understanding
The right information can make all the difference for your birth.
Fetal Monitoring: The Basics

You Are Ready To Make Great Decisions with Confidence?
This online, on-demand, self-paced course gives you everything you need to know to make great decisions about fetal monitoring in labour. You’ll learn:
- How the research about fetal monitoring in labour was done
- Which types of fetal monitoring are better for which outcomes
- What the possible downsides are for each approach to fetal monitoring
With a small time commitment, you will soon be on your way to making great decisions about fetal monitoring with confidence.
What's Included In Your Course...

You will quickly feel right at home as you work through this module. Learn the basics you will need to be a confident learner in the course, including:
- How to use the course platform for maximum learning
- What we mean by "fetal monitoring"
- Why fetal monitoring is important
You’ll finish this module with a quick quiz to be sure the course is a good investment for you.

Types of fetal monitoring used in labour
Now you know why fetal monitoring is important, you'll cover how it is done. In this module, you’ll learn about:
- Intermittent auscultation
- CTG monitoring - with either external or internal sensors
- Other monitoring approaches you might be offered
You’ll finish this module with a clear understanding of what fetal monitoring is and how it works.

What does the research say?
Thousands of women have contributed to research about fetal monitoring. In this module, you’ll learn:
- How the research was done and whether it can be trusted
- How intermittent auscultation compares to CTG monitoring
- Whether a woman's risk factors impacts which option works better
You’ll finish this module with a clear understanding of the pros and cons for each option.

Risks of fetal monitoring
The research you covered in the last module wasn't really designed to find all the possible harms. In this module, you’ll learn:
- Risks of intermittent auscultation
- Risks of CTG use
- Problems with inaccurate results
You’ll finish this module with all the information you need for great decision making.

Who gets to decide?
Knowledge is nice but putting it into action is more challenging. In this module, you’ll learn:
- What should happen in maternity services when it comes to decision making and what is actually happening
- Questions to ask to help you reach your decision
- Skills for communicating your decision with your care provider
You’ll finish this course with a clear road map to get the birth choices you want.

It's almost time to finish up. In this module, you’ll find:
- A short summary of the key learning points
- Suggestions for where to go for more information
- and a farewell from Dr Kirsten Small
At the end of this module, you’ll find an end of course evaluation and an invitation to suggest new courses you would love to see developed.
No Fuss Guarantee
If you get to the end of the first module and realise the course isn't working for you, or the timing isn't right - let us know within 14 days of purchase and we'll offer you a refund of the purchase price.

I'm Dr Kirsten Small
I'm a retired obstetrician with a PhD in fetal monitoring. I'm am experienced educator and researcher. I have devoted much of the past decade to understanding the research about monitoring the fetus in labour.
Now I use what I have learned to make maternity care better and safer for women and for maternity professionals. This course brings together all my expertise as a researcher and an educator.

This is what the people who completed the test run of this course had to say about it:

"Every pregnant woman needs this information before going into labour. So clear and thorough."
Maryam - Midwife

"I'm a midwife and I learned loads! It is important to understand the evidence behind one of the biggest interventions offered on a labour ward."
Kookie - Midwife

"Get the information maternity professionals don't know so you can be in charge of your own labour."
Emma - Midwife

This Course Is For You If...
- You are pregnant
- You are planning on going into labour
- You want to play an active role in deciding what your labour care will be
- You like to use sound evidence when making decisions

This Course Is NOT For You If...
- You aren't planning on going into labour (there's no information about fetal monitoring before labour)
- You want someone else to make decisions for you
- The cost means you'll have to miss something important
What do I get?
- Immediate access to this one-of-a-kind, easy to understand course, packed full with all the information you need to know
- Six modules with short self-paced lessons
- A downloadable workbook to help you stay on track with your learning - yours to keep for ever!
- A downloadable list of all the published research used in the course
- Fun rewards when you make progress through the course
- A certificate of completion when you finish all the lessons
- An opportunity to suggest future courses
All included in your purchase price!
How long does the course take to complete?
How long do I have access to the course?
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Can you give me advice about my pregnancy and birth?
Fetal Monitoring: The Basics
If you get to the end of module 1 and you don't think the course is right for you, let us know within the first 14-days for a refund. No fuss or bother!