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 I'm having a VBAC.

Do I need fetal monitoring?

Nonsense-free information to support your decisions

Tired of being told you don't have a choice? Don't trust what you have heard about risks and benefits of fetal monitoring? Want to be confident you are making safe choices about fetal monitoring for your vaginal birth after caesarean?


You have come to the right place!

Wanting a better birth this time?

Most women who want a vaginal birth after their caesarean have made this choice because they want a better birth experience than what happened last time. It is my experience that part of that not-so-great birth is often related to fetal monitoring. Maybe you:

  • were told the lie that you HAD to have CTG monitoring
  • had someone "pop a little clip on the baby's head" without getting your consent
  • found the monitoring equipment uncomfortable and limited freedom of movement
  • had people wandering in and out of your room to look at the monitor without acknowledging you
  • had everything suddenly turn to chaos because of some change on the monitor 

Does this sound like you? 

  • This time you want to know what your options are and take control of the decisions made for your labour and birth.
  • You don't want to make unsafe choices
  • You need information you can trust, using the best evidence available.
  • You don't want biased opinions, fear, and coercion to get you to follow a hospital policy

This course is EXACTLY what you need. And you'll learn clear and effective communication strategies designed to get you a fetal monitoring approach that will help you achieve the birth of your dreams.


I'm having a VBAC.

Do I need to have fetal monitoring?


The course designed for pregnant women planning a vaginal birth after one, or more, caesarean sections.

Make confident fetal monitoring decisions and get the birth you want

without needing to become a research expert first!

No nonsense, just the facts

Learn what research ACTUALLY says. A list of all the research used in the lessons is provided as a download so you can fact check it all for yourself. 

Expert teacher

Learn from an experienced educator with a background in obstetrics, who has done fetal monitoring research. 

Learn where you are, when you want

Log in from any internet connected device to learn when and where it suits you. Switch devices and it will remember where you are up to!


Take A Peek Inside

 Here's some of what you will find inside I'm having a VBAC. Do I need fetal monitoring?


☑️ What you are likely to experience in maternity care: Be prepared so there are no surprises. Understand why these recommendations are being made.

☑️ What is the risk, actually?: Women planning VBAC are labelled as high risk. Is this true? What is the risk for the sorts of things fetal monitoring is meant to be able to help with? Address fear-based conversations with facts! 

☑️What does the research say?: Find out the pros and cons for each of the different ways to monitor the baby during labour. All explained in simple and easy to understand ways!  

Make confident fetal monitoring decisions and get the birth you want!

Half-price offer! Limited time!

$17 AUD


Everything that you get at the regular price - but just half-price as a limited introductory offer!

Offer ends at midnight Australian Eastern Standard Time on March 12, 2025. 

I'M IN FOR $17!

All this for

$34 AUD


  • Instant access to all modules, lessons, and resources so all the knowledge is ready for you to access when you want it
  • Your workbook to help you reflect on what your previous experiences and what you are learning
  • Your Fetal Monitoring Birth Planner, a structured birth plan so you don't forget to consider ALL the choices about fetal monitoring 
  • Ask Dr Small your questions. Each lesson has a comments area, where you can get answers from a world expert on fetal monitoring
I'M IN FOR $34!

Is this course right for you?

This is for you if..

  • You have had one (or more) caesarean sections
  • You are pregnant and planning a vaginal birth
  • You want to maximise your chances of a safe vaginal birth
  • You want to be in control of your birth choices

This is not for you if..

  • You haven't had a caesarean section before
  • Your aren't planning a vaginal birth
  • You want someone else to make decisions about your birth
  • You prefer to make decisions based on fear and myths

Only 9% of women report being given BOTH information and a choice about fetal monitoring methods. Don't be one of the 91%! 

I want to be in charge of my options!



Still not sure?

Here is what previous course participants have said about their Birth Small Talk course. 

  • The course helped me make sense of so much that has bothered me about my first birth and has made me more confident that it will be different this time. It has given me practical tools to make choices for my labour. Cecilia - Mum, Fetal Monitoring: The Basics
  • I'm a midwife and I learned loads! It is important to understand the evidence behind one of the biggest interventions offered on a labour ward. Kookie - Midwife, Fetal Monitoring: The Basics
  • I really liked the breakdown of the statistics and what the real outcomes are, even though I'm not a numbers person. The way information was shared made it really easy to grasp. Vicki - Childbirth Educator, Fetal Monitoring for Birth Workers
  • Every pregnant woman needs this information before going into labour. So clear and thorough. Maryam - Midwife, Fetal Monitoring: The Basics




Hi - I'm Dr Kirsten Small

I'm a retired obstetrician with a PhD in fetal monitoring. I'm an experienced researcher and educator. I have devoted much of the past decade to understanding, building, and sharing the evidence about fetal heart rate monitoring.

Now I use what I have learned to help you to make maternity care better. I'll share with you the detailed facts about what works, what harms, why, and what we might do to make things better. 

Frequently Asked Questions


Your No Fuss 14 Day
Money-Back Guarantee

At Birth Small Talk, I am committed to providing you with the highest quality educational experience. I believe in the value and effectiveness of my courses, and I am confident that they will meet your expectations. However, I understand that sometimes a course might not be the right fit for everyone.

That's why I offer a 14-Day No Fuss Money-Back Guarantee for this course.

If you don't feel completely satisfied with the Fetal Monitoring Academy within the first 14 days of your purchase, I will gladly refund your money. Just contact me on [email protected] to get that refund started.